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E-Invoicing Software for foreign trade


Complement Foreign Trade 2.1 CFDI 4.0

From 2016 all companies that realize definitive export merchandises from Mexico with petition commerce “A1” must to generate document called CFDI that includes complement: Foreign trade. This is registered on rule and foreign trade rule 3.1.35 and 3.1.36.


Complement incorporates all information about operation, information about issuing company, delivery address, and description about exported merchandises.


Legal basis:

Is important you know that complement is required from July 1st,2016, in accordance with the provisions of the Sixth Transitory articles of the Fifth Resolution of modifications to the RMF 2016, published in the DOF of November 19, 2015 and the Sole Transitory, section III, of the General Rules of Foreign Trade published in the DOF on January 27, 2016, however, those taxpayers who so wish, may make use of it before the indicated date.


Some of the most important information contained in the Foreign Trade Supplement are described below :

  • Version
  • Type of Operation
  • Certificate of origin
  • Certificate of Origin Number
  • Trusted Exporter Number
  • Incoterm
  • Subdivision
  • Observations
  • USD Exchange Rate
  • Total USD
  • Sender and Receiver Data
  • Identification number or part number of the exported merchandise
  • Trafic fraction
  • Quantity of merchandises
  • Unit of measurement
  • Unit value
  • Value in dollars
  • Trademark
  • Model
  • Sub Model
  • Serial number







We offer to you our system Factura360®. We guarantee that you have one of the best solutions of Electronic Invoicing on México to all your purchases to foreign customers for definitive exportation of merchandises, all for the best price.


Factura360® is very easier software and practical. You can generate on some minutes: invoices, credit notes, payment complements, retentions. You can save catalogues of customers, products and have good control about your sales.
So, you can create your payroll receipts to all your employees.


On the same system you can control all your information, and create restricted users. without aditional cost.All included!


Are you looking E-invoicing on México? We have good news to you!


Do you need invoices with thousands of products? Our batch solution for foreign trade can be the solution to you.


Other features of the system:

  • PDF preview
  • Drafts
  • Updated Traffic fraction catalogue
  • Currency catalogue
  • Related CFDI
  • Payments Complement